Balance of a Martial Artist


The ideal martial arts instructors are always where they are supposed to be, when they are supposed to be there, physically, mentally, and emotionally. They are not irrational or imbalanced, regardless of personal circumstances, are able to lead by example with the qualities of a champion. This is something we should all be continually striving for on our journeys.

Balance is a critical piece of this puzzle. In order to be an outstanding Martial Artist, one must have a good sense of balance. If you lose your balance in a fight, you could easily lose the fight. The keys to maintaining your emotional balance are to stay calm, centered and focused even when faced with extreme difficulty at hand. The parallel human quality to balance is rationality. To be rational means to think logically and clearly without emotion.

You can always find a reason to be irrational or emotional....especially if you are looking for one. Have you ever known someone that is easily offended...someone that practically looks for reasons to get upset? I thought so. Me too.

How about someone that can remain calm in a chaotic situation or rarely takes personal offense to anything...? Someone that gives others the benefit of the doubt and does not take things personal or with poor emotion? Yeah. Me too.

So today's question is... Which person are you? Which person do you want to be? How can you channel your inner champion by remaining calm in an otherwise challenging spot?